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basis of classification中文是什么意思

用"basis of classification"造句"basis of classification"怎么读"basis of classification" in a sentence


  • 分类基础


  • The old organic basis of classification was thereby destroyed . since then , great amount of organic compounds have been synthesised by ordinary laboratory process
    自此,旧的看法便糟破坏了,愈来愈多的有机化合物能够在实验室? ? s造出来。
  • Chapter 4 discusses the issues of measurement , and expounds the viewpoint that foreign currency option should be measured at different measurement attribute on the basis of classification , and presents the accounting method of foreign currency option investment
  • According to the current situation of our country " s e - business , some principles have been suggested . on the basis of classification of development the paper divides e - business three levels : primary level ( spreading ways ) , intermediate level ( integration ) , senior level ( transformation ) and ultimate level ( amalgamation ) . these strategies include continuity and selectivity
    在关键的第四部分,论文提出了我国企业实施电子商务的具体战略,这一部分根据电子商务发展的阶段性将电子商务分为初级(拓展战略) 、中级(集成战略) 、高级(转型战略)三个阶段战略,并给出了相的战略措施。
  • Through normative and demonstrative study , this dissertation firstly introduces the development course of non - governmental science and technology enterprises , gives a scientific and reasonable definition to them , and then compares two kinds of property rights institution of public - owned and privately owned science and technology enterprises with the traditional state - owned property rights institution on the basis of classification and comparison . secondly , further analyzes their property rights institution ' s advantages and disadvantages , present condition and the existing practical problems , whose reason is uncovered next . thirdly , directing against these problems , discusses the objective , mode , and realizing path of institutional vicissitude
  • At the same time the development of enterprises " e - business still stand in an initial stage in the world . according to the current situation of our country " s e - business , some principles have been suggested . on the basis of classification of development the paper divides e - business three levels : primary level ( spreading ways ) , intermediate level ( integration ) , senior level ( transformation ) and ultimate level ( amalgamation ) . these strategies include continuity and selectivity
    其中在设定绩效目标时,综合应用了目标管理法( mbo ) 、平衡计分卡( bsc )和关键业绩指标法( kpi ) ,将组织战略按照组织? ?部门(团队) ? ?个人的顺序,层层分解为具体的可操作性目标,使员工、团队行动与组织战略挂起钩来。
  • Abstract : on the basis of classification to the paper - making flexivity controlled rolls for differnet uses , in conbination with the application of the recent , new and superior technology , the article discusses the essential demands of optimized design , manufacture , equipping and development of the paper - making flexirity controlled rolls
  • At the beginning of the second chapter , the author presents objective manifestations of marketing channel risk in chinese market , and classify the marketing channel risk according to the main clue of designs , constructions , operations and management . on the basis of classification , paper analyzes the source of it , and then causes the third chapter
  • This paper roughly states the theoretical basis of the teaching - studying basis of classification and mobile classes . with the instructions of the theory of structure learning , the theory of multi - intelligence and the theory of teaching in accordance with students " aptitude , the author carries out research and exploration into the teaching practice of level c students in the classification , who are slow in learning . it mainly does some research on some principles , strategies and some teaching modes of level c in order to excavate the potentiality of different levels of students , improve students " comprehensive quality , foster students " initiative and then promote students " individual development by chemistry teaching
  • Mixed goods is a buffer zone between public goods and private goods , therefore it is necessary to classify all mixed goods in detail so that different form of cost compensation can be adopted . the basis of classification is the degree of purity of mixed goods , which can be measured by analyzing its externality ; in othe
  • In order to utilize the atmospheric duct phenomena , and to make the electronic reconnaissance facilities more effective and the status of battlefield more advantageous , on the basis of classification of the atmospheric duct , first the model for evaluating the effective detective zone of electronic reconnaissance facility is established , then the numerical value simulation method of electromagnetic wave propagation under the condition of surface duct calculated with parabolic equation and fourier arithmetic is presented , and finally the influences of atmospheric duct on electronic reconnaissance facility is analyzed
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